ZVV Zürcher Verkehrsverbund التطبيقات

ZVV-Timetable 6.1.0 (48)
This Android app provided by the ZurichTransport Authority (ZVV) offers you a useful tool for yourjourneys within the ZVV network.New Features:• To buy tickets you will be redirected to the ZVV ticketapp.Timetable information:• Door-to-door timetable throughout Switzerland• Favourites and the „last query“ enable you to quickly insertplaces and connections• Queried connections can be accessed later offline• Integrated real-time information for all trains, buses and tramswithin the ZVV network as well as for trains throughout Switzerland(local traffic outside ZVV excluded)• Push notifications about delays, platform changes and trafficinformation for user-specified connections• Latest traffic information including a search option• Tab “Traffic Info” with line-specific overview of all currenttraffic information and line-specific push notifications• Function “Barrier Free Access” (more informationwww.zvv.ch/handicap, in German)• Easy-to-understand symbols (in green, orange and red) indicatewhether or not a planned connection can be maintained• Alternative connections in case of incidents (red symbol) on thesame route• The option «Query according to current traffic situation» findsconnections on alternate routes in case of incidents• Real-time arrivals and departures for specific stops (e.g. in 3’or 15:34 +2’)• Information about disruptions of service (maintenance,constructions, events etc.)• Possibility to add a customized connection or timetable to thehomescreenTicket information / purchase:• The ZVV timetable app provides simplified access to ZVV ticketsvia the ZVV ticket app. The purchasing process is started withinthe ZVV timetable app and completed in the ZVV ticket app. To takeadvantage of this service, the ZVV ticket app must also beinstalled• Fast and simple selection within the ZVV timetable app throughits topseller list and via the button «Price/Buy» in the journeyplanner• Transfer of choice of class (1st or 2nd), reduction (adult or ½)and validity (single ticket or day pass) to the ZVV ticketapp• Choice of number of additional zones for extension ticketsOther features:• Practical display of route network and fare zone maps• Favourites function for tickets, destinations and connections(«Take me home», «Take me to work», etc.). Favourites will not bedeleted after update• Display of the nearest stops based on the user’s currentposition• Search for stops, addresses and points of interest• Simple display of local area maps and pedestrian routes withinthe application• Interface to calendar to save individual connections• Low-floor service information for trams and buses (timetabledata)• Customize your home screenFurther informationwww.zvv.ch/android or contact our customer center ZVV-Contact at0848 988 988.For feedback contact us on Twitter @zvv orwww.facebook.com/zvvnewsZVV wishes you a pleasant journey!Note:You can grant the application access to your calendar, contact andlocation information. You can change these settings at anytimeData privacy policy:The ZVV only analyses data regarding connection queries and pushnotifications. The evalu-ation of this data will be conductedwithout personal references and for statistical purposesonly.All information is subject to change.© ZVV 2016
Nachtzuschlag-App 1.5
Nachtzuschlag lösen leicht gemacht.Mit dieser neuen App wird die nächtliche Heimfahrt mit demöffentlichen Verkehr an Wochenenden noch einfacher.Nach einer einmaligen Registrierung ist der Nachtzuschlag mitdrei simplen Klicks gekauft. Und das schon bevor der Ausgangbeginnt.Funktionen- Bring-Me-Home-Button erleichtert das Nachhausekommen- Push-Benachrichtigung als Erinnerung für den Nachtzuschlag anWochenenden und Spezialtagen- Über 60 Ausgangs-Empfehlungen aus dem ZVV-Gebiet- Regelmässige attraktive Wettbewerbe rund um das ThemaAusgang- Bars und Clubs in der Kartenübersicht undals Listenansicht1 Nachtzuschlag für 9 NetzeDer Nachtzuschlag ist in 9 Nachtnetzen gültig:- ZVV- A-Welle- FlexTax- OSTWIND- Z-Pass- Tarifverbund Zug,- Tarifverbund Schwyz- Sowie Nachtzüge Zürich – Luzern und Schaffhausen – SingenZahlungsmethodenDer Nachtzuschlag kostet 5 Fr. inkl. 8% MwSt.Dieser Betrag wird beim Kauf des Nachtzuschlags je nach gewähltemZahlungsmittel der Kreditkarte (PostFinance, Visa, Mastercard) oderder Handyrechnung (EasyPay von Swisscom) belastet.TicketkaufDer Nachtzuschlag kostet 5 Fr. und muss zusätzlich zu einemgültigen Ticket gelöst wer-den. Der Nachtzuschlag muss vor AntrittderFahrt gelöst und bei der Ticketkontrolle vorgewiesen werden. AufVerlangen ist dem Kontrollpersonal das Mobiltelefon mitNachtzuschlag-App und integriertem Nachtzuschlag-Ticket zurKontrolle auszuhändigen.GA, Halbtaxabo und andere Ermässigungskarten können für denZuschlag nicht geltendgemacht werden.Nightaddition solveeasily made.With this new app the night ride home even easier by publictransport on weekends.After a one-time registration of the night surcharge is boughtwith three simple clicks. And even before the output begins.Functions- Bring-Me-Home-Button makes it easy to homecoming- Push notification as a reminder for the night surcharge onweekends and special days- About 60 initial recommendations from the CRVO area- Regular attractive competitions around the theme output- Bars and Clubs in the map browser andin List view1 night surcharge for 9 networksThe night surcharge is valid in 9 night networks:- CRVO- A-wave- FlexTax- OSTWIND- Z-pass- Tarifverbund train,- Tarifverbund Schwyz- As well as night trains Zurich - Lucerne and Schaffhausen -SingenPayment MethodsThe night shift premium costs 5 CHF incl. 8% VAT.This amount will be charged on the purchase of the night surchargedepending on the chosen means of payment by credit card(PostFinance, Visa, Master Card), or cell phone bill (EasyPaySwisscom).Ticket purchaseThe night shift premium costs 5 CHF and must also produce avalid ticket-who solved the. The night before the start of thecontract mustBe solved ride and shown upon the ticket control. Upon request, theinspection staff must be given to the phone with night surchargeapp and integrated night supplement ticket for inspection.GA, half-fare card and other discount cards can not claim for thecontractbe made.
Im Bus ist was los! Leute steigenein und aus. Sie essen, trinken, hören Musik oder lesen Zeitung.Unterwegs hat jeder Fahrgast unterschiedliche Gewohnheiten undBedürfnisse. In einem sind sich aber alle einig: Siewollen pünktlich und sicher ans Ziel kommen. Hast du das Zeugzum «Bus-Manager»? Schaffst Du es, alle bei Laune zu halten und zuverhindern, dass einzelne Fahrgäste durch ihr Verhalten anderestören?Stelle dein Wissen unter Beweis und erspieledir Kampagnen. Diese helfen dir, im Bus für Recht und Ordnungzu sorgen. Der Zürcher Verkehrsverbund (ZVV) präsentiert ein spannendes undlehrreiches Spiel für grosse und kleine Fahrgäste. Der«ZVV-Bus-Manager» vermittelt spielerisch rücksichtsvolleVerhaltensweisen im öffentlichen Verkehr. Viel Spass!In the bus what's goingon! People get off and. They eat, drink, listen to music or read anewspaper. Move each passenger has different habits and needs. Inone but they all agree: They want to arrive on time and safely. Doyou have what it takes to "bus manager"? Can you make it, all tokeep them happy and to prevent individual passengers through theirbehavior disturbing others?Test your knowledge to the test and you play for campaigns. Thiswill help you to make the bus for law and order.The Zurich Transport Network (CRVO) presents an exciting andeducational game for large and small passengers. The "CRVO busmanager" provides playful considerate behavior on public transport.Have fun!
ZVV-Tickets 13.2.1
The ticket machine for your pocket.
ZVV 1.16.1
ZVV app – the smart companion for travelling with public transport